Image courtesy of Michael Wolfe at
Image courtesy of Michael Wolfe at
Image courtesy of Michael Wolfe at
Image courtesy of Michael Wolfe at
Image courtesy of Michael Wolfe at
Image courtesy of Michael Wolfe at
Experience the true meaning of Christmas
Amid the shopping, the cooking, the parties, and the holidays, it is easy to lose sight of what Christmas is all about.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: We have had to modify RTB due to the oval resurfacing this year. Sadly, there will be no camels, Pinnacle Challenge, Gladiator, or Market Stalls. There will be food and the popular face painting, woodwork, and craft stalls.
The drama tour will still be on, so book your tickets and come and enjoy RTB. We hope to be back in full swing again next year.
December 2024
Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th December
We are photographing and filming this event. The photos and video footage will be used for promoting the Road to Bethlehem event in both print and online media.
If you do not wish to be recorded in any way, please let a Road to Bethlehem representative know. Reasonable efforts will be undertaken to comply with your request.